A note from the author... Yeah, we got a disclaimer.
I feel I need to address something rather serious, in a concise and respectable manner... Good luck me doing that...
Don't worry, I'll be removing this disclaimer when things cool down a bit.
The original concept for this chapter came about 4 years ago, when times were a lot more peaceful and I was a meme heavy drunk with no life or self respect for myself, so... Perfect time to make a joke chapter like this. Yes, check your calenders, I got you, ‘haha’ or whatever, this is serious.
At the time, it was a work of art, unrefined, but a loving art towards something I loved deeply... Skip ahead 4 years, it’s about around November, and I’ve started actually writing and researching for this love letter of a chapter. I just to happened to have finally got a good stockpile of material sorted out and I could work on other projects. It was my intention 3 months into making Nephesh, that I would take every year to make a comedic jest at my work and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make it. So, I gotta ask myself; why couldn’t they have waited like 2 months before going to bloody war, so I could release my stupid freaking joke story without ridicule? I do realize, however, that Regardless, someone is going to get offended. To that person, in particular, I’m very, very sorry. Also fuck you. I was not going to let 6 months of planning, study, and hard work go to waste because someone in the audience was going to hate me for it. This is my fall to make, it was made with the intention of showing my passion and affection for the culture before it made a mockery of itself. The other 95% of you reading this are mature enough to understand where I’m coming from, why I am going through with this regardless, so, thank you.
So, Happy April first everyone, and to the 5% who act like children and cannot accept where this has all come from, fuck you; with love, and the contempt of the court, you’ll live so get over it – OR just skip the bloody thing, you’re an adult damn it! Click the next chapter, and deal with it!
Real warning: Lot of swearing, about it... Enjoy
I'm archiving this chapter btw... It's not going anywhere.